RIMS Set Theory Workshop
Nov. 16 - 20, 2020
Program & Slides
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Kyoto University Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences
Set Theory Workshop 2020
November 16 - 20, 2020
Schedule (Oct. 18th, 2020 version)
Titles and Abstracts (Nov. 12th, 2020 version)
Osvaldo Guzmán
Special constructions of mad families (full minicourse)
Ashutosh Kumar
Forcing with sigma ideals and Lebesgue outer measure
Lecture 1
Lecture 2
Lecture 3
Martin Goldstern
Many cardinals below the continuum
Ulises Ariet Ramos-García
OCA in the class of hereditarily Lindelöf submetrizable spaces
Miguel Cardona
A new result from the creature world
Monroe Eskew
Weak square from weak presaturation
Vera Fischer
The spectrum of independendence
Sakaé Fuchino
Rado’s Conjecture and Hamburger’s Hypothesis
Martina Iannella
On convex bi-embeddability between countable linear orders
Tetsuya Ishiu
There is no space-filling curve for a compact connected nowhere separable linearly ordered topological space
Sittinon Jirattikansakul
Blowing up the power of a singular cardinal of uncountable cofinality with collapses
Chris Lambie-Hanson
Highly connected Ramsey theory
Carlos Martínez-Ranero
Hereditary interval algebras and cardinal characteristics of the continuum
Hiroshi Sakai
Higher Stationary Reflection and Cardinal Arithmetic
Jonathan Schilhan
Definability of maximal families of reals in forcing extensions
Nattapon Sonpanow
Cardinal characteristics associated with families of functions and permutations
Jaroslav Šupina
Ideal Fréchet–Urysohn property of a space of continuous functions
Yasuo Yoshinobu
Fragility of Properness